Monday, April 13, 2009

Hey, Wednesday sounds great! I have class till 10, but usually we get out at like 9 so after that is good. Maybe Thursday too??? Kate if you want we can get together for a little bit Tuesday night... I have class till 9 and some other work to do but we could just meet at the club house for a little bit. Let me know!

Inspiration Concept Map: Revision 3

Final Touches / Website Ideas

Hey! So tomorrow looks really bad for me, but Wednesday I shouldn't have too much going on... so if you guys can meet up on Wednesday at any point, that would work out well! Just call / text me.....
Hey Girls!
I am hoping that we can get together Tuesday and Wednesday night. I know that Gloria has a really busy day, but hopefully Rena and I can still get together and bust some of the work out! Let me know what your schedules looks like for the week!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I think I am going to have another group project to work on tomorrow now, I am waiting to hear back from them. We could always make it an all Monday night thing... like during and after class. Would that work for anyone?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hey, glad you are back! I could meet Sunday during the day. I work Monday till 5 so that won't work for me. Gloria, can you do Sunday?
Hi girls,

Thanks for your kind messages. I just got back into town this morning and I work at 5. So unfortunately, I guess I can't work with you today. I have to work on Saturday and Sunday night also but am free during those days. Also, on Monday I will be free after 1pm. So, if you girls are available we could work before and after lab. Sounds like you have already come up with some great ideas! Just let me know what other times you will be able to meet.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kate, I too, am sorry to hear about your loss. Rena and I have come up with some very creative ideas. So far, we are thinking of making the website kind of into an extension of our podcast. We want to make the website a resource that parents can use to both see what is going on in our classroom, and allow them to provide us with feedback. As part of the contact section, we've decided to post a link to this blog, so that other parents can type to us in the midst of their busy schedules and write a brief bit of information.

Hope to see you Friday :)